Some one you like would like some! |
I'm going to be home tomorrow, airplane crash permitting. And I can't fucking wait! I'm going to make the super duper almond marzipan for my exceptionally frisbee like Christmas cake - Nigel Slater recipe, using orange blossom water no less, dead posh! And I'm going to buy some Kimberly, Mikado and Coconut creams and eat them. And then buy some Tayto and eat them. And then I'm going to smile at people in the street and say hello and they'll smile back at me instead of treating me like a weirdo! And I'll go to Superquinn and get some sausages for St Stephen's day, yeah that's ST. STEPHEN'S Day not poxy Boxing day - what does that even mean? Ah yes, can't wait to be in Ireland again.
PS - Update on the body brushing which I have totally surprised my self by actually doing every day! And guess what - cellulite is gone! I cannot believe it, it does work and I have come to enjoy my ten minutes of vigorous brushing and feel weird if I have not done it by the end of the day.
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